2025 Show Benefactors

Each of the individuals and businesses listed below help make the Show happen year after year and amplify our impact for Cheekwood and ECON Charities.For more information about being a benefactor for future Shows, please click here.
Antiques & Garden Society Benefactor
Pauline Astrum Pons
Platinum Benefactors
Susan Byrd
Barbara D. Calhoun
Andrea Waitt Carlton
Connie and Tom Cigarran
Diane and Jim Connelly
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dobbs
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Donnelly
Mr. and Mrs. Rege Eisaman
Lesley Green
Cathy and Tom Grier
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hazen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Rolfe
Sandra Schatten Foundation
Sandy and Jay Sangervasi
Jeanne Sutton Stabile
Shannon Tarnutzer
Gold Benefactors
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Allen
Ms. Ann Griffith Ash
Mrs. Alton E. Blakley, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Cory Brown
Lou Ann and Gary M. Brown
Mary Lea and Rick Bryant
Maura Costello
Karyn Frist
Julie and Tommy Frist
Paige and Travis Hill
Eric Ross Interiors
Alan and Heather Looney, Castle Homes
Dawn and Evans Looney, Jr.
Linda and Rock Morphis
Deborah and Keith Pitts
Mr. and Mrs. Gustavus A. Puryear, IV
Steve Sirls
Sweet Life LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Steiner
Sally Penn and Peter Tarqueno
Mr. and Mrs. George Tomlin
Daniel Ward
Silver Benefactors
44 Wealth Management LLC
Mrs. Merrick Axel
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Baggett
Cheree Floyd Bailey
Melanie Ball
Ms. Kelley Beaman
Thomas Barrett and Belinda Berry
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bartholomew, III
Ms. Kelley Beaman
Phil and Shelley Belling
Debbie and Buddy Best
Sheri Best
Caroline Billups
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Blackburn
Darryl Boggess and Chad E. Bratschi
John Bossard
Missy Brower and Sara Ludlam
Dee Dee and Larry Bryan
Louise and John Bryan
Melinda Hardy and Mary Anne Burke
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Buttarazzi
Lucie W. Cammack
Jennifer Campbell
Michael R. Carter
Jennifer and John Cataldo
Chancey Interior Design
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Chandler
Carol Chanin
Katherine and Chris Cigarran
Circa Brand Agency
Mitsy and Phillip Clendenin
Colleen Duffley Andiamo Lodge
Mrs. David Scott Collins
Caroline Cook and Trisha Bridges
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cook, III
Melinda Couzens and Riisa Dikeou
Nan and Tom Cox
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Crosthwaite
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Crumbo
Drs. Michael and Rowena Cuffe
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Darst
Nancy and Mark Deaton
Mr. and Mrs. Bill DeCamp
Mr. and Mrs. Jay DeMarcus
Kim and Eddie DeMoss
Mrs. Tamara Denbrock
Ashley Denney
Elizabeth Dennis
Lauralyn Deringer
Mr. and Mrs. David Dermenjian
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Dinkins
DK Design/Daniel Keeley
Mrs. Susan Dobbs
Cathy Dougherty and Paula Yarbrough
Jon Draud, M.D.
Helen McTyeire Drennen
Colleen Duffley, Andiamo Lodge
Laurie Durden
EBS Foundation
Faith Schaffer Eskew
Kathleen and Alec Estes
Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Ezell
Mr. and Mrs. Ron D. Farris
Jacky Ferro
Fine Design
Kim Fogelman
Mrs. Elizabeth Foss and Mr. Bill Riner
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Foster
Tom and Kae Gallagher
Ms. Cassandra Gardner
Shea and Doug Ghertner
Mr. and Mrs. John Gibbons
Katherine Goldman Interiors
Pete and Mandi Good
Robin Grant
Megan Gregor
Rev. J and Mrs. Natalie Hager
Francie Hargrove
HawkSalvage, Phoenix, AZ
Joanne Hayes
Lucy and Jeff Haynes
Mr. and Mrs. Eric T. Helman
Larie Hensley
Chris Hilton
Nancy Hirst
Historical Concepts ~ Architecture & Planning
Deborah Hoban and Caitlin O’Donovan
Nancy and Hamp Holcomb
Mrs. Nora Vaden Holmes
Happy Tara Homes
Reggie and Sandy Howard Fund
Natalie Huffaker
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Hull
Lauren Hurlbrink Interiors
Mrs. Stephanie Ingram
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baxter Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Clay T. Jackson
Kathleen Janke
Angie Street, Jean Johnston and
Liz McEwan
Tham Kannalikham
Heidi Steiger and Meredith Karney
Kirsten Keller
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kelley
Ann and Owen Kelly
Brenda Kennett and
Allyson Kennett Williams
JJ and Jay Keras
Cindy Kidwell and Margaret Stewart
Peggy and Randy Kinnard
Col. and Mrs. Lawrence Komara
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kost
Paul Kuhn
Janice and Randy LaGasse
Bob and Mary LaGrone
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Lamkin
Mrs. Lisa Lamm
Holly Powell Lange
Stefanie Latham
Robert S. Lipman
Janie Lowery and Paula Sansom
Mrs. Hope Willard Lundt
Jane and Don MacLeod
Mr. and Mrs. Terry MacRae
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Manning
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Marchant
Debbie and Chip Marston
Lindley Martens Design
Emily and Roth Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mathews
Kate Maurras and Van Magness
Karen and Ben May
Jennie and Rob McCabe
Mary Catherine McClellan
Elizabeth and Mark McDonald
Kyla and James McDowell
Donald and Louise McKenzie
Keith Smythe Meacham
Angela Miller
Mr. and Mrs. George Miller
Brian Jackson and Roger Moore
Ellen Livingfield More
William Dudley and Lisa Bouchard Morgan
Kellie Morse
Melissa G. Mosteller
Jenna and Ryan Muller
Davis and Blaire Murfree
Marcia and Thomas Nash
Mr. and Mrs. David Newman
Laura and Roy Nichol
Mark O’Bryan and Monty Smith
Nancy O’Connor
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Oldacre
Mr. and Mrs. Bond Oman
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin G. Page, Jr.
Elizabeth and Larry Papel
J.D. Parks
Mrs. Betsy Pie
Baylor Pillow
Plain English Design
Aubrey and Michele Preston
Christine Provost and Allie Provost
Robin and David Puryear
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh M. Queener
Shawn Quinn
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Ramón
Carolyn Ellis-Arcadia Farms
Pat and Gayle Ray
Mr. and Mrs. J. Allen Reynolds, III
Amy and Clay Richards
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Will Robinson
Mrs. Lisa Ruthven
Lisa Luby Ryan
Molly E. Ryan
Lynn and Ron Samuels
Schafer Buccellato Architects
Mrs. Mary Schell
Ms. Sarah Schreder
Nikola Schreiber
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Seabury, III
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Shanks, Jr.
Hobby Sherman
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Simonsen
Tom and Nina Sisk
Joanne Rainey Slaughter
James Sohr and Leah E. Sohr
Steven W. Spandle Architect
Mr. and Mrs. Chadwick Spencer
Mr. and Mrs. David Spencer
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Spradley, Jr.
Seaborn Sterling Antiques
Debbie Stine
Mr. Barry Stowe
Ann Mila Design and Styylish
Mrs. Rosa Tarbutton Sumter
Tennessee Kitchen Gardens
Wynoka Terry
Katie and John Thackston
The Plant Shoppe – Fairhope
Sarah and David Thompson
Jenny Triche
Tucker & Marks, Inc.
Karen Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. Ward Waltemath
Jody Ward and Howard Haffner
Sarah and Stephen Ward
Laura Warren
Eleanor and Thomas L. Warriner
Anne and Bill Whetsell
Mr. Milton White
Mrs. GP Whitelaw and Mrs. Lisa Coulter
Judy and Brian Wilcox
Chippy Wilkison
Jerry and Ernie Williams
Mrs. K. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Woods
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wright
Anna Wunderlich
Mr. and Mrs. Woody York
Mr. and Mrs. Webster Younce
Charie and Tom Zanck
Sarah Ziegler
Bronze Benefactors
Alice’s Flowers
Stephanie and David Bailey
Patti and Randy Balhorn
Mrs. M. Rush Benton
Marsha Blackburn
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas G. Bradbury, III
Trisha Bridges
Clay and Kim Bright
Cathy and Martin S. Brown
Mark and Lauren Brueggen
Pamela and John Brunger
Mary V. Buckingham
Barbara and Greg Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Kent A. Burns
Susan and Damon Byrd
Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Byrd, III
Susan and Michael Canmann
Sassy Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin E. Carswell
Castle Design
Mr. Hal Cato
Karen and Berto Chalfant
Lisa and Jamie Cheek
Matthew Cheek
Will T. Cheek
Chelsea Robinson Interiors
Mrs. Kimberly S. Clark
Rebecca Hiatt Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Cook, Jr.
Ms. Tonya Cumbee
Mr. and Mrs. Danny Dalby
Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Dale, III
Mary Elizabeth and Evan Davis
Stephen Dickens and Terry White
Mr. Michael S. Dixon and
Mr. Brian D. Setzer
Phyllis Doby
Duke Design Group
Stuart Dyer
Sandra Earthman
Laurie and Steven Eskind
Karen and Gene Fleming
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Fly
Kelly Ford and Ryan Buckley
Sandy and Roe Frazer
Elizabeth and Brian Frist
Mary Taylor Gallagher and Chris Cardwell
Maryfrances Garrett
Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Gioia
Charlotte and Michael Goldston
Julie and Bob Gordon
Carolyn and Hartley Hall
Mr. and Mrs. William Hastings
Elizabeth and Bill Hawkins
Nancy Peterson-Hearn
Mary and Loring Helfrich
Cynthia B. Hickerson
Mr. and Mrs. C. Hinnant
Greg Hinote
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hite
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Hosker
Joe Cashia and Angela Humphreys
Sandra Hurlburt
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Ingram
Ms. Jameen Wesson Jacoby
Emily and Wynne James
Mr. and Mrs. H. Todd Kaestner
Mrs. Mike Keeney
Paula and Bob Kinard
LaRoche Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Hill B. Lenderman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Levy
Suzanne Bradford and Judy Lojek
Mr. and Mrs. W. Lawson Mabry
Molly Alexander Mahoney
Tricia and Doug McDowell
Rowanne and Jay McKnight
T. McKee / TMI
Susan Merlin
Missie Fahey Interiors
Beth and Paul Moore
Mrs. Rhoda Murphy
Laura and Charlie Niewold
Paris Ceramics
Kim Patikas
Andy and Tina Piper
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Regan
Relative Lighting
Mr. and Mrs. Brent Rice
Tina G. Rice
Carole Rose
Joe B. Rowland
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Salveson
Dr. and Mrs. Timothy Schoettle
Nikola Schreiber
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sell
Leslie and Doug Sellers
Mr. and Mrs. Payden Sewell
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sensing
Janette and Andy Smith
Mrs. Jennifer Spink and
Mrs. Katherine Phelps
Miss Allison W. Stephens
Mr. and Mrs. Murphy Troy
Suzanne Tucker Home
Brooke and Joshua Trusley
Mr. and Mrs. David T. Vandewater
Alice and Andrew Wall
Susan and EW Weathersby
Nancy Weaver
Mrs. John Warner White
Christine Wiedrich and Tina Rice
M. Williams
Roy and Diane Williams
Marci Wortman
Mr. and Mrs. Woody York
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